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Apply or renew

To apply for or renew your corporate Chartered status, you must follow the four steps below.

1. Understand the criteria

First you must read the rules and guidance document carefully. These set out the eligibility criteria for firms applying for or renewing their chartered status. They will help you complete your application correctly so that it is processed without delay.

2. Complete the application/renewal form

Download the appropriate Excel-based form, depending on whether you are applying for or renewing your Chartered status. You can complete the form offline whilst you collate the necessary evidential information and submit in your own time.

The forms are made up of the three sections detailed below, along with a fourth for you to confirm acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. Each section will appear as a separate tab within the Excel spreadsheet.

  • Section 1: Your corporate details
  • Section 2: Eligibility criteria
  • Section 3a: Board or Appropriate Management Team members
  • Section 3b: Customer facing staff
  • Section 3c: Discretionary eligibility applies for (not applicable for Chartered Financial Planners)
  • Section 4: Terms and Conditions

Please ensure that you read the guidance note at the top of each worksheet as you work through the form.

3. Validate your application form

Upload your completed application or renewal form for an initial validation check. This will confirm that you have filled out the necessary sections correctly.

Validate your completed application form

4. Submit your application

Your firm’s Responsible Member must log in and complete this step by submitting the Excel-based form, as well as any required supplementary evidence. The Responsible member is required to sign a declaration at the end of the submission process, only once the declaration process is complete, is the application successfully submitted.

Responsible Member log in to submit application form and supplementary evidence