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Launch of COVID-19 Brokers Community Interest Group

News article

Publication date:

06 May 2020

Last updated:

18 December 2023


Society of Insurance Broking

Insurance brokers are invited to become members of a newly created COVID-19 Brokers Community Interest Group.

Flaxmans, the insurance claims advocates, have revealed their plans to offer a unique service to brokers during the current pandemic. Its aim is to support the professional broking community in helping its clients. 

The group is primarily aimed at regional community insurance brokers or networks whose customers, many of which are SMEs, are the essence of our society and our economy. 

Speaking about the launch, Roger Flaxman Chairman of Flaxmans said: “Together, we can contribute something valuable to the nations recovery by helping customers that have relied upon us in the insurance industry, to survive and move on”.

The aim is to provide members’ firms with first-hand expert knowledge, advice and guidance on the emerging litigation disputes and the opportunities arising from this campaign to encourage the payment of legitimate COVID-19 related claims. The campaign has gained real momentum and interest from major industry platforms and from a number of MPs who are all actively lobbying to get the initiative across the line. 

Flaxman continued: “Membership of the Group will also help to stabilise the present potential risks to brokers from disappointed customers, by providing support and resources to manage customer expectations, protect against future PI claims, and ultimately to improve the future of insurance broking in the community”.


For more information, and to join the Group

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